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RAZ Autumn Market Bucket Arrangements Tutorial

RAZ Autumn Market Bucket Arrangements Tutorial

This tutorial will be for two bucket arrangements. The containers were used were RAZ fall farmer's market buckets from the Garden Harvest Collection for 2017. There is a large bucket arrangement and a small bucket. We'll start with the large bucket first. We will have separate kits for the large bucket products and small bucket products - while supplies last. But we will leave the tutorial up even after the kits and/or all the products have sold out since the basic instructions can be followed and other products chosen. Some of the individual items may be available on the website, but not all. Some will only be available in the supply kits. RAZ Large Market Bucket with Scarecrow Legs Supplies: 3716259 RAZ Large Bucket 80101 Scarecrow Legs 88731 Yellow Berry Pick - 2 F3702327 RAZ Pumpkin Pick SP780955-082 Maple Leaf Spray 10/29/17 Update: Kit containing supplies has sold out, but some of the individual supplies may still be in stock. Other items that we used, but will not be in the supply kit would include: Styrofoam, floral wire, floral tape, kitty litter and Spanish Moss. RAZ Bucket: The first thing Rachel did was cut a piece of Styrofoam to fit down in the bucket. You can hot glue this Styrofoam to the bottom of the bucket but we tend not to use much hot glue since we take things apart and re-use later. Since we planned for our arrangement to be fairly tall, the bucket needed stabilizing with something heavy. You could fill will marbles or gravel. The large bucket measures approximately 9.5" X 8.5" X 6.5 and is made of tin. We chose to use inexpensive cat litter right out of the bag. Cat litter is made of clay, cheap and easy to use. It's a little dusty, but once the dust settles it works fine. Just position the Styrofoam down in the bucket and pour the kitty litter in around it. Rachel the scarecrow legs to the bucket. The legs are made on sticks, but have wire below the sticks so you can shape the legs. The sticks had to be shorten a bit before placing in the Styrofoam. You can shape the legs as desired. The next thing that she added was the RAZ Pumpkin pick. This is a very pretty, large like pumpkin with great color. It was positioned to the front of the bucket, in front of the legs. Rachel stressed to fluff out all your pieces of a pick to make the most of all the different elements. The orange pumpkin pick measures about 13" overall in ht and the pumpkin is about 5" x 5.5" roughly. It has some leaves and a bit of raffia. Next she added a tall Maple leaf pick toward the back center. This is a pick that you have seen us use before because it has great fall colors and nice leaves. It's rather tall at 23" but you can snip it off a bit before placing into the Styrofoam. Next to balance out the arrangement, Rachel placed two yellow berry picks, one on each side. The yellow berry pick is a water resistant pick, but we chose it for the color. Since the berry pick is a weather resistant pick, it has been sprayed with a protective coating which can cause smaller pieces of the pick to stick together. So it would be best not to try to separate the pieces much. The project was pretty much finished after that, except for the addition of some Spanish moss to cover up any areas where the Styrofoam was showing, The Spanish moss is not a product that we sell on Trendy Tree, but you can pick up a bag at most any craft store and sometimes you can find it at WalMart. Here's an Amazon affiliate link too: Luster Leaf Spanish Moss The overall ht of the arrangement when completed was about 26" RAZ Small Market Bucket with Cotton Supplies: 3716259 RAZ Small Bucket (not available on website, will be in kit only) F3702473 RAZ Pod Spray SS77030-017 Maple Leaf Pick FH7780 Cotton Spray - 3 Purchase Kit: RAZ Small Market Bucket with Cotton Kit (kit has sold out) Other items that we used, but will not be in the supply kit would include: Styrofoam, floral wire, floral tape, and Spanish Moss. We cut a piece of Styrofoam to fit the small RAZ Bucket and since this arrangement wasn't as tall and top heavy as the larger bucket, we didn't need to stabilize it with any extra weight. The bucket measures approximately 8" X 6.5" X 5" and is made of tin. RAZ Pod Spray: We started with positioning the RAZ Pod Spray first in the bucket in the center. This pick from RAZ is comprised of several different elements. It has a lotus pod, pinecone, acorns, leaves, pine spray and faux feathers. It measures about 20" in ht. We didn't have to snip off any of the length to insert into the Styrofoam. It's a great pick that you can use for fall or Christmas. Next we inserted the maple leaf pick a little to the left back and just pulled some of the leaves forward. This is a great, inexpensive, pick at only $3.00. It packs a lot of color with it's brilliantly colored leaves. Next we added two of the cotton sprays to the back with one toward the left and one toward the right, one a little shorter than the other. The cotton spray is wired so you can manipulate the cotton bolls a bit, but be careful, the burs are real. We added a third cotton spray toward the front and snipped off a piece of cotton here and there to fill in around the bottom. We also snipped off a piece of greenery from the RAZ pod spray to use toward the bottom to help cover up the Styrofoam. Cotton sprays have been widely popular this year. We've seen the used from late spring, right through to Christmas. Another reason we don't use much hot glue in our tutorials, because it's really easy to pop out the sprays from an arrangement and use in another. Re-purpose for another season, it's my favorite thing to do)))) The arrangement was pretty much finished at this point and measured about 20" in ht. Rachel took a bit of Spanish moss and tucked in around the base here and there to finish covering up the Styrofoam. Again, we'll create kits for each of these arrangements. Some of the individual items will be available on the website, but the buckets that we used will be in the kits only. But we do have other buckets available and we're beginning to stock more containers in the warehouse. So be on the lookout for more floral arrangements in the future! Save
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