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Trendy Tree Custom Designer List

Trendy Tree Custom Designer List

trendytree-custom-designer-list Calling all customers! If you create custom wreaths, are a regular customer of Trendy Tree and want to get your name on the Trendy Tree Custom Designer List.....time to fill out the form!
We keep the Trendy Tree Custom Designer List on a special page on our Trendy Tree Blog (right navigation bar). The list stays up all the time and we refer potential customers to it when they call or contact us about buying a wreath. We currently do not make wreaths to sell at Trendy Tree, but we do get requests quite frequently. The best way for us to handle this is to refer them to the list and let them take it from there. And we have quite a bit of traffic to our site with an average of 1.3 million page views each month! Our goal in maintaining this list is to drive traffic to your business to help our customers sell, which of course helps us also. We small businesses have to stick together)) Requirements:
  • Be a regular Trendy Tree Customer (Must have ordered within the past 12 months)
  • Like the Trendy Tree Facebook Page and receive notifications
  • Share Trendy Tree's Facebook Posts (occasionally) on your personal and or business page
  • Sharing Tweets, Pinning Images - also appreciated
After you have completed the form, we will verify and get your business listed. When you are added to the list, we will also send you an invitation to pin to the Trendy Tree Custom Designer Pinterest Board. Occasionally the list is purged and businesses that haven't placed an order in 12 months will be dropped from the list. We won't send out notifications or anything, but if you think we have dropped your business in error, please contact us. This is a very informal list and there are no rigid rules or guidelines. We have created this list in an effort to help drive traffic to your business, it does require quite a bit of time to manage so we asked that you don't ask us to make frequent changes once your business is on the list. Be sure to check your listing occasionally as website updates and Wordpres updates might cause a link to break etc. Ready to get started? Click on the link to complete the form.
Previous article Ho Ho Ho Mesh Wreath Kit by MB Crafts