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2017 It's Here!

2017 It's Here!

Amazing as the older you get, the quicker the years roll around))) We know it's coming, and BAM!!!! Here it we weren't expecting it so quick! It's always time for thinking need to look back, those days are gone forever and nothing can be changed. But it doesn't mean that we can't learn from mistakes or think about missed opportunities. We can relish the good times, be thankful and start fresh with new plans, ideas and good intentions. Write them down! Never thought I would be telling myself this, but writing goals was something that we had to do annually during my nursing career, whether it be as a nurse practitioner, nurse manager or bedside nurse. We had to write goals. And now here I am.....yes, write them down, that's a good thing. Write them down, put them in your desk or smart phone, ipad, whatever, but put them somewhere so that you can pull them out from time to time to remind yourself what you planned to do differently this year and make sure you are moving in the right direction. Business goals....I'm going to leave this one to Carrie and David. My work in the business is mainly social networking and tutorials so I'm going to focus on personal goals. Healthier Food Choices is first on my list. I want to make healthier choices and prepare healthier meals. I don't know why this is so hard! I know what choices to make and have access to any foods that would be the best choice for a healthier lifestyle.....why is it that we choose a ham sandwich, chips and soft drink!! My husband is a Type II diabetic and that's another reason for my choice, we need to get is A1C down below 7. He's not overweight, and does some exercise like golfing, but he needs to exercise more. See how quickly I turned "my goal" into a goal for him))) That isn't exactly the right thing to do, but bless his heart, he will eat anything that I prepare. We've been married 47 years and the only thing he simply won't eat is chicken and dressing. Easy enough, I can't make it anyway! Please don't get the idea that I do all the cooking in the household. It seems that over the years we've experienced a "role reversal." He retired before I did and since that time we have slowly gravitated toward different roles. While I still worked, he started doing more around the house and all the yard work. He was cooking more, doing the laundry, doing the that I look back.....why did I retire! I had it made! But if I set the pace with healthier food choices, he will go along with it. I just need to do some preparation in advance. Time always seems to be an issue with us when it comes to meal time. We get ready to eat, and don't want to wait 45 minute for meal preparation. As we age, we want our food and we want it now! It's a terrible habit that we've fallen into......and the worst part's not like we don't have all day to plan and prepare a decent meal! Lose 20 Pounds is next on my list. This may be a bit lofty, but it wouldn't hurt to have a decent goal for myself. We just got back from a Christmas vacation and you know the rest of the story.....sad....a vacation of overeating. But it was fun and we had a great time with family. Also, we were in one of those fun places and you could step up and get your height....I was so afraid it was going to blast out weight too.....but it didn't))) But, my height was only 5' 3" Gracious! I used to be 5' 4" I just know! It's on my driver's license so I know it must be true.....course my weight on there is 105 pounds......why is it that we correct our driver's license with an updated photo or other errors...but when it comes to that weight (that must have been when I GOT my license) we just say....awwww....what the heck, just leave that))) To lose weight, I plan to ride my bike more or walk when I can't ride. Yes, I have a gym membership, pay it every month and haven't been in 8-9 months. I keep thinking, don't drop it, it will be raining and I'll need to walk inside...or I'll go work out on the machines to tone up my arms.....really? But, I'm still not going to drop it yet. I have plans))) Make better use of free time this sound like a no-brainer! Why is it so hard for me to enjoy free time??? Being from the Baby Boomer generation you were either a person with a strong work ethic or a hippie....I was never a hippie. Working hard and being productive was how I was raised. And it's hard to "turn off" being productive and achieving after a lifetime of trying! But now, I have to learn to channel those behaviors into a different path. I honestly need to work on how to relax and enjoy free time....heck it's all free time now right?? This goal is going to take more thought and some detailed plans along with blocking out days or hours on a calendar.....some very tangible events.....lunch with my BFF, golfing with the hubby (well, I take my clubs and hit a few balls, then mostly ride around in the cart), spending more time with the grand children before they get so old they don't have time for us, reading books.....I don't know how long it's been since I read a book! Drink more water good Lord, why is this so hard for me. There isn't anything else to say about this. I just have to do it. Clear out the clutter - this needs to be done. I'm talking about household clutter. Carrie is an only child and I don't wish to saddle her with having to do something will all our baggage. Every year my husband and I talk about clearing out the attic....but as always, we find ourselves saying....yes, we need to do that, but it's too hot....we need to have a garage sale.....we'll wait until winter so it won't be so hot.....we need a dumpster before we start throwing away......we could sell that....and the list goes on and on. Another activity that we have have to say....let's do it! (Again, another goal for the hubby We've been exploring the idea of selling our place and building a new house closer to town, smaller yard, no more upstairs....etc. So if this comes to fruition that's another reason for clearing out the clutter. My goodness....Carrie is married, with three children....I still have her high school stuff upstairs! Think she is going to need it anytime soon? Well, I think I'll have more goals, but my time is up for now, time to get ready for Sunday School. I don't think these are lofty goals, they are realistic and mostly all things that shouldn't even have to BE a goal. Time to get down to it......going to grab a water....get dressed.....and right after church start filling in my calendar, but wait, tomorrow is Monday....lots of products still to be added to the website, new tutorials need to get underway....categories need to be email needs to go items need to be marked down.....STOP!! You see....resolutions are so much harder than they look.....but I will take the calendar and start blocking out some time to do these chores but they will have to wait until they get their due time on my calendar. First comes grocery shopping and taking down Christmas decorations and I'll go from there.....2017 will be an adventure. I'll keep you posted))))
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