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Candy Cottage Reusable Gingerbread House Just Arrived!

Candy Cottage Reusable Gingerbread House Just Arrived!


Just arrived! The new Candy Cottage reusable Gingerbread House! We're so excited to have this new product in our inventory. My grandchildren are pretty excited about it too))) Looks like we'll be putting together a Valentine Sugar Shack this weekend)))

There is another Blog post that tells you more about the Candy Cottage and what you can do with it. Click here.

Just wanted to show you what the box looked like and the inside of the box.


Pieces are packed well in the box so shipping should be no problem, the box is nice and sturdy. The box is pretty too! This would make a great family gift....especially for those families were the children don't need any more toys))) What a great way of making memories......lots of opportunities to sit around the table decorating the Candy Cottage for birthday themes.....holidays....special occasions.....eating candy....did I mention that?? )))


A booklet of instructions and decorating ideas......looks like we'll have a busy weekend!

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