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Care Packages for Nursing Home Residents

Care Packages for Nursing Home Residents

care packages for nursing home residents Care Packages let our nursing home residents know they are not forgotten! Nursing home residents are placed in a difficult position during this quarantine time. So many residents don't get a lot of visitors anyway, and now so many are sequestered to their rooms. They can't see family and friends....they can't even socialize among other residents. So while we are sheltering in at the comfort of our homes, at least we can get out to the grocery store now and then. During the holidays, so many groups, individuals, schools, churches, and just nice people are so good about sending little gifts to residents, but now they need more than ever to know that they are not forgotten.


My dad who will be 98 in May, is in a local nursing home and receive the very best of care. We can't go visit but we were able to talk with him through the glass door once, and last week I went around to the back of the nursing home and talked to him through the closed window. It was a pretty day and I took birdseed for the bird feeder. He has mild dementia though and it was very confusing to him that he couldn't open the window so we could talk. The good thing about his dementia is that once we can see and visit him again, he won't remember that he hasn't seen us for weeks. He lives in the moment so he is making it much better than most of the residents as far as having no visitors. This image was taken by the nursing home after visitation had been closed for a couple of weeks. nursing home residents My oldest sister, Sonny, is in a nursing home in Arkansas. She is sequestered in her room and it's very difficult for her and so many others. She does use an Ipad and we Facetime. Thank goodness for Facetime! But I wanted to share with you what I was doing to help brighten her days a bit. This image was taken several months ago. That's my brother, Jackie, on the left. nursing home care package

Care Packages

When I go grocery shopping, I've been taking a few minutes to run by the Dollar Tree or Dollar General to pick up small items that will ship well. You can see in the video the type of products I've been buying. Then I make care packages in small boxes to include a few snacks, individually wrapped candies, and other items. About once a week we mail a care package. Sometimes the postal service doesn't cooperate too well and one day they delivered THREE boxes to her. But she enjoyed it))) I'm always looking for ideas of things to include in her care packages and would appreciate any comments or suggestions you might have. She is a diabetic so I have to be careful with the snacks I send and not send too many sweet things at a time.

Involve Kids

Creating care packages is a great way for children to help in an activity. Spread all the items out on a table and start making happy boxes. It's the kind of thing that even the smallest of kids can help.

Items that Ship Well

Items that I have found to ship well for care packages include socks, note pads, pens, and pencils. Notecards with stamps are great because that's not something they have access to at nursing homes. Small snacks like cookie packages, peanut butter crackers, peanuts (keep in mind allergies so be careful), individually wrapped candies, peppermints, gum, individual drink mix packets. I sent some of those adult coloring books with markers but she said that was too hard))) She likes puzzles and I think there has been a run on puzzles since the sheltering in started! You can't find them anywhere! Personal care items like hand cream, lotions, chapstick, or lipstick ship well. Combs, hairbrushes, clippies, and hairpins are good. Soap, shower gel, bath powder, or shampoo. Ziplock bags or small plastic containers are nice for keeping small items in. Keep in mind that residents don't have a lot of room or storage space. So I haven't been sending any type of room decorations, it's mostly all been personal items. You know one of the things I think she enjoyed the most was boxes of Cracker Jacks. I'm beginning to run out of ideas, so I'm looking forward to your suggestions.


Thank you for visiting our blog and allowing me to indulge for a moment into something that isn't crafting. We can just craft and create all the time)). I just wanted to share this care packages idea with you. If you have a family member or friend in a nursing home, take a moment and send a card or note. They will enjoy it so much! Please please, don't take this post as a plea for you to send anything to my sister! She is receiving plenty from me.))) Just wanted to share the care package project and get your ideas for other things I haven't thought of to send. But, if you would like to send her a card or note of encouragement or just a hello, she would love it! Just mention that you are a friend of Jeannie's so she won't be worried that it belongs to someone else))) Here's the address: Sonja Barfield Stonegate Villa Health & Rehab 118 Jerry Selby Dr Crossett, AR 71635 Thank you for visiting our blog and stay safe!
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