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Display Flowers Wrapped in Paper

Display Flowers Wrapped in Paper

wrap flowers in paper

RAZ Imports is one of our primary suppliers here at Trendy Tree and we get so many great ideas from them along with fantastic products!

Last year a market, we noticed flower bundles were wrapped in paper for display in the RAZ showroom and others as well.

These pretty flower bundles would be laying around on tables, in baskets and pretty much anywhere there was a space!

Here are some ideas from RAZ and market along with some florals that would lend themselves to being wrapped in paper. 

Looks like most of the time plain kraft paper was used and tied with jute twine or ribbon.

flowers wrapped in paper


wrap flowers in paper


I love the idea of wrapping flowers in paper! These pretty bundles would look nice on a bookcase shelf, on top of books, a mirrored tray, on a coffee table, kitchen shelf. So many possibilities!

Here are a few flower bundles or bouquets that would work well wrapped in paper I think. 

cream sunflower bouquet

35108CM Cream Sunflower Bouquet

victorian flower bundle

PM2159-LPLAV Victorian Rose & Violet Bundle

poppy bundle

F3706697 Poppy Bundle

These are just a few of the flowers that we have in stock that would look gorgeous wrapped in paper and twine. Browse around! You'll find flowers for all seasons - spring tulips and petunias, summer geraniums. fall sunflowers. 

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