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Fresh Cedar Floral

Fresh Cedar Floral

fresh cedar, christmas arrangement


A fresh cedar floral makes an inviting arrangement for your table. Watch the video to see how we made this simple cedar garland and wrapped it around the bottle container. This is what I like to call K.I.S.S. decorating.....Keep It Simple Silly!

Bottle Container

Carrie gave me this bottle, wood and metal container a while back and it usually sits on my dining table. It's been filled with fresh flowers from the yard, roses from Kroger and most recently persimmon branches from Trendy Tree.


bottle container,

It's a great container to work with because it's easy to change out florals for the season or an occasion. See how pretty these inexpensive roses from Kroger looked.

roses, rose, bottle container, cedar branches, fresh cedar

Fresh Cedar

Clipping some branches for the cedar floral was the first step. Branches were cut anywhere from 8" to 12" in length. Keep your clippers handy so you can trim any wayward twigs.

You can use other greenery of course such as spruce, fir, boxwood, holly etc. We just used cedar because it is plentiful in our area.

fresh cedar clippings

Paddle Wire

Attach paddle wire to the branch by just wrapping around the end several times. You can get paddle wire at Walmart, Hobby Lobby or any place that sells floral craft supplies.

Paddle wire works best because it allows you to have a good grip on the wire to get it tight enough. It usually is available in green or silver.

Once the wire is attached, take another branch and lay over the end of the first branch. Wrap paddle wire around the branches and just keep extending the length of the garland each time you lay down a branch.

Because you are layering branches, the garland should get longer and longer. Keep the garland fairly thin, you don't want it to be too heavy for this project.

paddle wire, cedar branches

The paddle wire isn't cut, you just keep wrapping branch after branch. Each time covering up the spot you just wired in.

fresh cedar garland

The fresh cedar garland was made long enough to fit around the bottles. With the wire still uncut, wrap the garland around the bottles and wire it together. At that point, cut the paddle wire off.

Twist the ends together well and tuck to the inside. I took small pieces of wire and secure the garland together from in between the bottles since that would help keep it from falling down around the bottom of the container.

Red Berry Branches

The next step in the fresh cedar floral was to snip off the branches from this RAZ Red Berry Spray.

Use your wire cutters to snip branches apart, not your scissors because that will dull them in no time flat.


F3802348 RAZ Red Berry Spray

The spray was separated with wire cutter and stems just placed in the bottles. One spray is comprised of two stems. Both stems were used for this arrangement.


Frosted Cedar Picks

A couple of frosted (glittered) cedar picks were snipped apart and placed randomly around the arrangement. The Frosted Cedar Picks are sold six pieces to a bag.


Battery Lights

The last step to the cedar floral was placing a strand of battery lights. These lights are so handy to decorate with. One reason is because they are remote controlled.

The lights have several different settings and the battery pack is easily tucked out of sight. The LED lights are really bright and look nice at night. They also can be used on the timer mode.


All Done!

cedar floral, red berry spray


All done and it smells great! You can use fresh cedar florals in the house for a couple of weeks before they dry out.

My goal in making this arrangement for my table, was to be able to pick it up and move as necessary. By securing the fresh cedar garland around the bottles, the arrangement can be moved with ease.

And just as I expected, not a day after I had taken it into the house, the arrangement had to be moved. Because, Carrie received a fresh rose arrangement but was out of town. What was I to do other than keep it for her))))

red berry pick, christmas floral arrangement

Remember, with any floral decoration on your table, you want it sparse enough that you can either see through it, short enough to see over it, or tall and narrow enough to see around it.

You don't want to create a barrier to obstruct conservation between people sitting across from each other. Just a little Miss Manners tip)))

And, again, we have re-purposed the same bottle container for yet another holiday. Can't wait for spring to fill it up with buttercups!

cedar floral, red berry spray, red berries,

To see more ideas using fresh greenery, check out these blog post:

Easy Christmas Floral Fresh Garland - Magnolia Cedar & Pine Fresh Magnolia Wreath Tutorial


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