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Fun Easter Decorations

Spring will soon be upon us which will bring green grass.....tulips....dogwood blossoms......and Easter. I was browsing through some photos today and saw several things that would make cute Easter decorations......always have to have something special for the little ones))) And, the not so little ones too! This great idea is on the Better Homes and Gardens site and gives instructions. Jelly beans are hot glued to an initial. Matt, one of our grandsons is staying with us today because of Strep infection and he likes this initial, but says his "M" would have to be covered with jelly beans in all colors......are you listening Easter Bunny?? Wouldn't this chick make a great finale to an Easter egg hunt! Adorable! Instructions at Better Homes and Gardens. You know, you could change up the colors in this pinata a bit and do an Angry Birds theme......just a thought)) This one of my favorites.....who doesn't love polka dots! Another great project by the guys at Better Homes and Gardens. Polka dots were made using a punch to cut circles out of double sided tape. Position the dots on the egg and roll in glitter, brush away the excess. Visit BHG for more instructions.......looks easy enough to me....this is a definite for my Easter baskets this year. Note ** Cindy Clark just dropped me a note and said....instead of punching out circles of double sided could use glue dots or "Zots" as they are called."" Thank you Cindy! These "Bunny Tails" are a really cute idea from The Idea Room. The instructions and a download for making the bag topper is on the site. You could also use miniature marshmallow. These cute little bags would make great little inexpensive happy's for the preschool and kindergarten groups....or even the Sunday School class. I always liked packing a few marshmallows in my bag for our daughter when she was growing up for church services, etc.....they can be eaten quietly and you don't have that rustling around in the sack sound like you do from crackers or cookies.
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