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Funny Story

Funny Story

Well, some of you that know me, know that my dad is 96 years old, still lives alone and manages pretty well.....considering. A few days ago I had take some groceries to him and was putting them away. He came in the kitchen and sat there and watched me putting up things. He makes a pan of cornbread every night.....EVERY night for his supper and has that with buttermilk. So we keep him stocked for that and on this day I had brought a dozen eggs and buttermilk. He keeps a plastic container in the refrigerator for the eggs, he doesn't like to keep them in the carton......I don't know why, that's just how it is. It's similar to the one in the photo. So, I'm taking the eggs out of the carton and moving all the eggs from the back of the plastic container up to the front of the container, one by one and start putting the new eggs in the back. He is just sitting there watching me.....finally he says....sort of tongue in cheek.....what are you doing? Well, me being the nurse/daughter take this teachable moment to explain that I need to bring the older eggs up to the front and put the newer ones to the back so he will use up the older eggs first and not get sick by using old eggs. He said......why didn't you just turn the container around?
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