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Halloween Treat - Butterfinger Popcorn Balls

This treat is a favorite at our Halloween party - Butterfinger Popcorn Balls. Easy to make and kids love them! 6-8 quarts of popped corn, lightly salted 4 Butterfinger candy bars, large 2 16 oz bags of marshmallows 1 stick margarine (non-whipped kind) Pop the corn and set aside. Melt marshmallows and margarine over low heat or microwave just until melted. While the marshmallows are melting, crumble the Butterfinger candy bars. Then pour the marshmallow mixture over the popcorn and shape into balls. Wrap in cellophane or plastic wrap. Tips: Buy extra marshmallows. Recipe is easily adjusted. If mixture is too dry add more melted marshmallows. Transfer popped corn from one container to another by hand in order to separate the "old maids" Use a large dish pan or tub to mix. halloween popcorn balls
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