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Heart Shaped Wreath made from Round Pencil Wreath

Heart Shaped Wreath made from Round Pencil Wreath

heart-shape-wreath This is a short quick post! Just wanted to show you how we (we, being my husband) shaped a round Pencil wreath into a heart form. Now, this is strictly an experiment and I haven't applied any mesh or other decorations as wasn't easy and he really had to be careful. I was afraid at anytime the wires might break. But they didn't, some of the paint chipped off which is no problem. He did cut some of the straight post wires that hold the two rings together. Here's another photo: heart-shaped-wreath-2 Anyway, this is just a potential that might work for a heart shaped wreath.....I don't know yet if the "V" will be sharp enough, but may can be coaxed into shape depending on how the mesh is applied. I was thinking of trying it in spiral curls. So if you decide to try this.....just be careful......get someone strong to do it, wear gloves.....and don't get hurt!
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