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Last Day to Sign up!~ - Business Coaching

Last Day to Sign up!~ - Business Coaching

Jennifer Allwood
Jennifer Allwood is a business coach who teaches creatives how to make money online. A very large percentage of our Trendy Tree customers is creatives who make and sell their products from home based businesses. Carrie and I both know Jennifer personally and have been in her Inner Circle now for a couple of years. Carrie has progressed on to her Mastermind group and I'm still in the Inner Circle. You might ask....since Carrie and I are not what I would consider "creatives" since we don't create and sell, why would we participate in her program. Trendy Tree is a retail business and our goal is to provide creatives with the quality products they need to design and create their wreaths, floral centerpieces and other designs. We participate in Jennifer's business coaching because she covers so many topics that are important to anyone in business, whether you are an e-commerce business like Trendy Tree or a bricks and mortar shop. So, it really doesn't just apply to "creatives." If you have a small business you are most likely interested in growing your Facebook page, increasing your engagement, promoting your business on Pinterest and Instagram. She covers all these topics in her teaching. She also is a huge source for quality resources. For instance, if you need a logo designed, images edited, copy written, Facebook ad.....and on and on. She has lists of people who can do that for you! Check out Jennifer's business page for more information. The doors are only open to joining until tomorrow and then they closed. So don't drag your feet! This post does contain an affiliate link, but I can assure you, if we were not satisfied with Jennifer's coaching, we would not be recommending her to our loyal customers and friends. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us, we'll give you our honest opinion. Jennifer Allwood rocks! And you will learn, and you will grow your business)))
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