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Magnolia Laundry Soap

Magnolia Laundry Soap

Magnolia Laundry Soap


Magnolia Laundry Soap

This blog post is a little different than the typical posts that I do, but I just had to "get on my soapbox" so to speak, to talk about this product))

Ever since Carrie opened her City Mercantile store in downtown Pontotoc, MS, she has looked for local, Mississippi or USA made products to showcase in the store along with some of our regular Trendy Tree products.

Magnolia Soap and Bath Co is one of the local manufacturers. They have a line of soaps and skin care products that are made right close to home in New Albany, MS.

When she first started telling me about the products I thought they sounded great, but I really had not tried any of them. She has been telling me how popular the Magnolia Laundry Soap is. 

Magnolia Laundry Soap comes in several fragrances and in two sizes. It's laundry detergent, soap or washing powder, whatever you want to call it))) To me it was washing powder.

I haven't used "washing powder" in several years, and never dreamed I would move away from my laundry packets. They are soooo easy to use, no mess, and take up very little space. Doesn't seem like you could ask for anything more from a laundry detergent, right?

Then she gave me a container of Magnolia Laundry Soap for Christmas. Mine is the Vanity scent. There are several scents to choose from and I have not even smelled them all yet! That is something I will do on my next trip to the store.

Well, far be it from me, to never say never, but as it stands right now, I will never go back to my convenient little detergent packets for doing the laundry.

laundry soap

The first thing I noticed on our very first use of the laundry soap was the smell. Of course it smells good when you open the container. But, when I walked in the laundry room after the first load had finished, I noticed the nice smell.

My first thought was, we had left the plastic container open. But no, it was closed and when I opened the door of the washer, the clean wet clothes had a very nice smell.

Still I thought, well, that will go away once they've been through the dryer. 

Now, just so you know, my husband helps with the laundry. He'll never read this even though I know he won't mind that people know he helps out around the house))) 

He retired before I did, and ladies, that was the best thing that ever happened to our household. We've been married 51 years, and for the first 40....he did all the outside yard work and I did the inside. We both worked full-time jobs our entire lives.

Well, after he retired first, he started doing things around the house from laundry, to grocery shopping, cleaning and cooking. I had a ball just going to work and coming home to a clean house and supper on the stove!

So he told me he had put some towels in my bathroom. Now, does he fold towels the "right" way. No he doesn't. But do I complain? No I do not)))

I pulled a fresh towel out of the cabinet and immediately noticed the nice scent from the laundry soap. I was pleasantly surprised. Now I go around looking for the scent in the clothes that have been washed))) You can even smell it in the dishtowels!

So, I'm sold, lock, stock and barrel. The directions say 2 T (tablespoons) to a load and leave off your bleach and dryer sheets. 

The ingredients are not on the container, but I looked them up from the company. The laundry soap contains coconut soap, citric acid, sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate and phthalate-free fragrance.

When you open the container you might find a few lumps. The lumps are easily broken up. It's nice and white of course. I would imagine that Tide and other detergents contain stabilizers and such that keep it nice and smooth and lump free.

So, I don't mind a few lumps. Occasionally you may need to stir the contents up a bit. Again, not a problem for me.

I'm very happy to have received this gift of Magnolia Laundry Soap and have been thinking, it's a nice gift for a friend too! Not exactly the kind of gift that you first think when shopping for presents, but definitely it is on my list now. 

So look out my can guess what you will be getting for your next birthday!

*This post contains affiliate links.


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