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National Pancake Day

National Pancake Day

Pancakes....a comfort food!


Wikipedia tells us that the Ancient Greeks ate pancakes according to the works of 5th century BC poets. They were made of wheat flour, olive oil, honey, and curdled milk. Not a lot different from today!


This is a short blog post and no time for lengthy, boring recipes. The easiest way to make a stack is to make them from a box of pancake mix that you just add water to! How easy is that! And they come out the right consistency every time! Plus, you can store dry pancake mix in the pantry for that opportune moment when a grandchild pops in unexpectedly and hungry! Matt's favorite additive is chocolate chips, no butter, a little syrup. I like to make the pancakes small and stack them high. Some moms or dads, make Mickey Mouse pancakes or other cute shapes. pancakes Now, I know the downside, we all do. They are made of flour....not good. They are starchy all carb.....not good. And then what do we do? We add more unhealthy things to the pancake. We drench it in maple syrup...all sugar. Add butter....not so bad. Sometimes we add fruit to the batter to make it "healthier." Really? It does make the pretty and taste better though))) And then we add a side of bacon or sausage and present it as a great breakfast. Who cares! I'm not saying, eat pancakes every morning, that's for sure. But it's okay to indulge occasionally. Sometimes they're good for supper (as we call the dinner meal) on a cold or rainy night. Sometimes we make them at home....or hustle off to the Huddle House. It's okay, it's an occasional high carb meal that you can work off the next day. We all deserve a little comfort food every now and then)))


If you're a pancake lover or have one in your family, here's an ornament from RAZ that was made just for you. National Pancake Day, February 25th. to the pantry, think I'll whip up a stack with blueberries!
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