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Pet Peeve. Do You Have one?

Pet Peeve. Do You Have one?

Oh my goodness....we all have a pet peeve do don't we! Some tiny little things can just annoy us and we have to decide if it is something that you can just no longer live with.....or is it just so small it's not worth hurting someone's feelings or making them angry. Mine fall in the ....not worth hurting someone feelings. But, here's today's. pet peeve, sink stopper Why does the man leave the sink stopper perched up there on the sink! For the world to see! It's a small thing....for sure and I'm grateful he washed up the breakfast dishes! So you see, I can't complain to him....but I can sound off to you))) What's your pet peeve? Post a pic to our Facebook page and tell us.....let's see who has the silliest! Go to our Facebook post and share you image or tell us about you pet peeve. Trendy Tree Facebook Post Pet Peeve
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