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  • Candy Cottage Halloween House
    October 20, 2013 Jeannie Pence

    Candy Cottage Halloween House

    Today we spent a beautiful Sunday afternoon on the back porch with the grandchildren doing a project.....this was after having one grandchild spend the night on Saturday night.....going to church this morning......going for lunch with the whole family.....well, Maggie wasn't...

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  • The Candy Cottage - Memories Made Sweet!
    March 29, 2013 Jeannie Pence

    The Candy Cottage - Memories Made Sweet!

    Looking for a fun project to do with the family? Well look no further......The Candy Cottage is the perfect way to spend an afternoon or evening with the kids creating your own family masterpiece....."memories made sweet." Gingerbread Cottage The Candy...

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  • Gingerbread Houses
    November 13, 2011 Jeannie Pence

    Gingerbread Houses

    I was browsing through some old photos tonight and ran across some photos of gingerbread houses my daughter, grandchildren and I made a few years ago. Looks like it's time to start making them again!

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