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Witch Hat Cookies

Click on the photo to see a great video from Elizabeth LaBau on how to make these adorable Witch Hat Cookies for Halloween. They are made from simple sugar cones that have been trimmed off, cookies, filled with chocolate filling and dipped in chocolate again. Trimmed with fruit roll ups. Here are the written instructions:

How to Make Chocolate Witch Hats

  • 1/2 cup, or about 3.5 oz, chopped chocolate
  • 1/3 cup heavy cream
  • 12 pointy-tipped ice cream cones
  • 12 thin, round cookies
  • 2 cups, or about 12 oz, chocolate candy coating
  • 1 fruit roll-up (optional)

Make the Chocolate Ganache

First we need to make the chocolate filling for our hats. Put the cream in a small saucepan over medium-high heat and bring it to a simmer. Pour the hot cream over the chopped chocolate and gently whisk it until the chocolate melts and the mixture becomes shiny and smooth. This is your “ganache.” Press some cling wrap directly on top of the ganache, and place it in the refrigerator until it is firm enough to pipe, about 1 hour.

Prep the Witch Hat Cone

While you're waiting for the ganache to chill, get the cones ready. We're going to cut them in half so we use only the top halves. Use a sharp serrated knife and saw them gently about 2 inches from the base. Don't press down, just use a gentle back and forth motion so they don't crack or break. Try to get them fairly even, but don't worry if they're not perfectly straight. Once the cones are cut, unroll the fruit roll-up and slice it into thin strips about 1/4 inch wide. These will be the ribbons for your witch hats.

Fill the Witch Hat Candy

When your ganache is the texture of peanut butter, take it from the refrigerator and place it in a piping bag, or, if you don’t have this, a plastic bag with a hole cut into the corner. Insert the tip of the bag into a cone and squeeze until it is filled with ganache. Overfill it slightly, so that there is a little extra ganache coming out from the top. Press the cone on top of the cookie--the extra ganache will help "glue" the cone to the cookie. Fill all of the cones, then put the witch hats on a baking sheet and refrigerate it until the ganache is completely firm, about 1 hour more.

Coat the Witch Hat Candy in Chocolate

When you're ready to dip the hats, melt the candy coating in the microwave and stir until it's completely smooth. Once the coating is melted and smooth, dip the witch hats completely in the coating, spooning some over the top if necessary to make sure every bit is covered. Tap the fork against the side of the bowl and scrape the bottom of the cookie against the lip to remove excess coating. Once all of the witch hats are dipped, refrigerate them until the coating sets, about 10 minutes.

Decorate and Serve the Halloween Witch Hats

To add the ribbons, wrap one strip of the fruit roll-up around the base of the cone and cross it in front. These adorable chocolate-filled witch hats can be kept in the refrigerator for several days, but they're best when served at room temperature soon after they're made. Great Halloween treat!
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